Стартира проекта CHANCE – осъществяване на алтернативни мерки за задържане

The 1st Transnational Project Meeting (kick-off meeting) of the „CHANCE – Changing lives by Community Engagement“ project was successfully carried out in Athens Greece 22-23.10.2019.

“CHANCE” is a project within the framework of Erasmus+ KA2 Strategic Partnerships in the field of Youth with partners from 6 EU countries: Bulgaria, Finland, Greece, Italy, Romania and Spain.
The purpose of the project is to strive to increase the implementation of alternative measures to prison for juveniles and young offenders in order to increase the positive impacts which implementation of such measures would bring back into the society. This is expected to be achieved through the main activities which include training of professionals working within the juvenile justice systems in order to enhance their knowledge and skills in their work.

Every day is a second chance!

CHANCE is an Erasmus+ KA2 Strategic Partnership in the field of Youth

The Partnership consists of 9 experienced organizations from 6 EU countries:
● Freedom Gate Greece (Coordinating organization) (Greece)
● Probation Services of Greece
● Fundación Diagrama Intervención Psicosocial (Spain)
● UISP Comitato Territoriale Cirie Settimo Chivasso (Italy)
● Silta-Valmennusyhdistys ry (Finland)
● Asociația Județeană Sportul Pentru Toți Suceava (Romania)
● European Strategies Consulting (Romania)
● UPSDA United Professionals for Sustainable Development Association (Bulgaria)
● Courage Foundation (Bulgaria)-